Often, you can pay fewer points in exchange for a higher interest rate or more points for a lower rate. Ask your (MCI) Specialist about points and other fees.
Lease &Loans
Many business owners continue to finance their equipment the "old fashioned" way, through loans, because they don't fully understand the potential benefits of leasing their equipment.
Our Mission
Morton Capital, Inc. are experts at securing businesses of all sizes with cash flow and working capital solutions. We can offer alternative solutions to business owners who may not have been successful at finding solutions through traditional funding sources. We spend time with each business owner, consulting them on what will be the best avenue for their long-term goals.
Because your (MCI) Specialist works with many leasing companies nationwide they can help you determine if leasing your equipment is right for your business. If you should decide to lease, they can usually get the equipment you need with just a simple, one page credit application. In many cases they can have the new equipment on site in as little as a few days.
Did You Know?
The (MCI) Specialist will select from a wide variety of investors to find the right match for your company? Whether your company is in the start-up phase or you have out grown your cash flow, the (MCI) Specialist can help factor your invoices and get the cash you need fast and efficiently!